Tuesday, April 30, 2019
International People Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
International People precaution - Essay ExampleEmployees encounter more ambiguity and decreased line of reasoning security (Coetzee, 2005). Because of lack of job security, the employees too expect the employers to demonstrate their commitment in terms or providing the right work surroundings like safety and work-life balance. Even change management requires not just effective leaders just committed followers. Thus, gaining and maintaining employee commitment is a ch all(prenominal)enge that management faces because they need committed employees. The HR functions have to be integrated and this includes recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, remuneration and managing workforce diversity.Employee commitment has been specify by dissentent authors in different ways and there is no consensus. This force is experienced as a mindset. lading has been defined as the basis of an individuals psychological attachment to the organization (Caldwell, Chat man & OReilly, 1990 Jafri, 2010). It has been defined as a stabilizing force that acts to maintain behavioural direction.an obliging force that requires that the employee awarding the commitment .the psychological attachment felt by the individual.or that state which binds the individual to the organization. Thus all the definitions suggest that there has to be a force that directs the individuals behaviour (Coetzee, 2005). Authors also differ on the various forms that commitment can take. Commitment can be retain their organizational rank or a commitment to support the goals of the organization. Organizational commitment has also been defined as an office toward the organization manifested as identification with organizational goals, willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization, and a strong hope to maintain membership in the organization (Taylor, Levy, Boyacigiller & Beechler, 2008).Two approaches have been used to define commitment by the
Monday, April 29, 2019
Wernher Von Braun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wernher Von Braun - Essay ExampleWorking as an assistant to a German scientist known as Hermann Oberth, Von Braun was fascinated by the experiments they carried out on liquid-fueled rockets. He chased his ambition and dream and propelled air power and the world beyond the humble, early stages of rocketry to the planets and the moon. He had a vision to extend mankinds knowledge by exploring space and opening the terrestrial world to mankind. His efforts and contributions had, and continue to have, wide impacts on the aviation attention and the world at large. As the leader of the team that developed Germanys rocket program, he unconstipated drew criticism for contributing to the negativities during the second world war. This essay go out address the way his model has affected and contributed to aviation and the world. Von Brauns achievements make him the roughly prominent, even if not the first, spaceflight advocate and rocket engineer of the 20th century. To date, his researc h, dedication and hard work ar still considered the blueprint of peaceful space exploration and moon landings (Neufeld 7). His presence in the aviation industry began with the German army, and his association with the Peenemunde Rocket Center put him in the limelight of the worlds radical rocket program. At the rocket center, Von Braun and his team received more facilities than their predecessors in aviation who had knowing aircraft for military purposes. After his successful launch of what was initially called the A-4 missile, the Nazi took special interest in him and started jalopy production, where he led the team that designed combat rockets for the army (Ward 14). The design of the rocket, later renamed V-2, was created and developed by Von Braun as the technical director of the space center. It featured a missile that carried its own oxidizing agent as well as fuel, a key aspect in modern day aviation technology as it became the immediate model employ by present day Russ ia and the United States in space explorations (Neufeld 16). The downside of this development, though, was that critics have faulted him for developing weapons of mass destruction that unleashed vengeance on civilian populations (Petersen 21). However, apart from that integrity angle of criticism, the rest of his contributions affected aviation and the world positively, because he never intended his developments to be used against humans, as he was a staunch Christian as well. The V-2 rocket became Von Brauns most significant contribution to the development of rocket technology (Nelson 29). It pioneered operational, guided missiles in the world under his direction, background signal in motion the development of the present day space travel and ballistic missiles. Through his projects, he influenced his team to great understanding of rocket propulsion, guidance systems and aerodynamics, and his concepts are still in use to date. His work influenced the contemporary space launch veh icle and the missile expertise in the United States, China, Russia, Britain and France (Nelson 35). To mankind and the world, he contributed towards alleviating the disastrous effects of the bombings of the second world war. He was against the use of his developments to attack humanity. He voiced his oppositeness against war policies in Germany and led his team of scientists and their families in fleeing to the United States. The significance of the fleeing was that the mass production of the V-2 rockets in Germany could not progress much without his input, effectively cutting down the assault on civilians. This was achieved by surrendering themselves to American forces, where they were granted permission to carry on with their rocket research programs under the watch of the United States governing (Petersen 19). The German space
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Marketing Performance Report - CUERO Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
merchandising doing Report - CUERO Ltd - Essay ExampleHe had been successful in creating a brand identity for varied crossroad lines such(prenominal) as Leathercraft, Ritz and Savoy, also changing name of the shops to Shoeshop after purchasing them from the Dent Group. Earlier, timberland had a market niche for only two types of al-Qaeda wears, the hand-crafted mens dress and boots of quality construction for commercial usage but when he saw an opportunity to diversify and offer to former(a) market areas, he grabbed the chance of acquiring 60 independent shops of the Dent Group to right wider areas for the sale of his company blank space. All the shops sold by the Dent Group were located at aid sites in 60 different t features and cities. This was a huge marketing dodging initiative on the mapping of Frank Wood to expand business (Case Study).It is very interesting to acknowledge that the company did not steer any advertisement initiatives for marketing of the foot wear s manufactured at the in-house facility in the mid-twenties. It achieved customer lore on tradition, location and branding. The company made use of only selective marketing tools it did not vitiate in direct marketing as a promotional strategy. Generally, companies follow an integrated marketing strategy (IMS) for improving customer focus. IMS promotes the sale of goods and services through internal marketing, print media and other levels of integration such as Horizontal, Vertical, Internal, External and Data integration (MMC 2009). CUERO Ltd. in stead relied on one major l acquireness of all stores of a popular brand, leveraging from the bargain financially and changing the brand name of the acquired shops to Shoeshop. CUERO Ltd. relied on its own sales stores in stead of developing a public relations strategy. Sales stores located on premium shopping locations by its brand name through a network of its own sales and marketing teams in 60 small and big towns did the marketing a nd promotion function (Case Study). CUERO modify its manufacturing of shoes into childrens segment of customers long time back, thus, capturing a huge potential of the childrens shoes market. It helped greatly in earning huge profit margins as it opened another manufacturing plant to cater to the newly acquired niche area of childrens shoes. Till 1990, the company performed very well even amidst non-conducive market environs prevailed upon from the opening of super markets, contraction in the UK shoe manufacturing industry, sourcing of foot wears from outside and changing trends in foot wear industry. Competitive rivalry was also ignored because of the sound financial position of the company (Case Study). Marketing functions were controlled centrally from the Head Office, managed with the help of limited staff including one marketing manager, three merchandisers, four fruit managers, three sales people, one resource to deal with advertising and two support staff. For any other c ompetitive firm, this strength of marketing team could have been insufficient but CUERO managed on the previously earned reputation, as the bosses wanted the staff to strictly tow the traditional line (Case Study) Pricing policy was plastered as merchandisers added the fixed and pre-settled ratio of profit on the actual cost of foot wear disregarding of the market dynamics. Innovation was rarely allowed to the merchandisers all innovation was limited and tailored to back up the product design inside the factory premises only. The promotional tool, thus, was not fully exploited by the company. good thing was that market analysis was done statistically on product style, colour and price to startle first-hand information of the market trends but it was unfortunate that the gathered data was not used intelligently on the name of following traditions of the company. No leverage could be achieved from the gathered information
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Letter of complaint against manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Letter of complaint against manager - Essay ExampleBased on stipulations presented by SEHA organization of medical practitioners, I do personally consider Dr. Amira amongst other doctors and administrators guilty of issues presented above.Firstly, I would identical to concur with you on Dr. Amira situation who on several accounts have applied her position to regularise activities at the work place. In this remark, I will establish in this letter that on seventh October, my client sent an email requesting for her annual review starting on November 5th, and 6th emphasizing on the urgency of her fall in. However, in her letter, my client explains how her countenance was neglected with the indirect command of Dr. Amira. According to Dr. Amira, leaves were not to be permitted. In this event, I would like to establish that my client was neglected, since a follow up 20th, Oct letter was set on oblivion by administrative assistants Ekhlas Ahmed.According to a letter written by Dr Amira on 3rd, November (two days before the official leave request day), it was categorical that Dr. Amira was adamant to issue a leave request to Dr. Fatima. The letter stated, and I quote Unfortunately your request was submitted within a short vizor and it has to be planned in advance, I have forward your request to HR and Health exercise department for feedback. For clarity, my client was given a leave of 32 days. For prudency, my client had submitted the request first 28 days in advance and second 40 days in advance however, she could not feeler any of the two leaves because of bellicose action presented by Dr. Amira. On the account of SEHA Employees Handbook Human Resources Policies ordinarily used by employees, it was imperative to consider that Dr. Amira had contravened basic ethics required by the codes. I would like to concur with you that, my client diligently abided by these rules. Code 3 in particular stipulates that Annual leave should be made 2 weeks prior upon the
Friday, April 26, 2019
Outline the stages of specimen reception and initial processing, Essay
Outline the stages of specimen reaction and initial processing, highlighting particular safety issues - Essay ExampleOnce the primary specimen is authentic in the laboratory, a quick assessment is carried out regarding any clinical risk. Such risks include damage, leakage, wanting supplicate form, inadequate labeling, wrong sample sent for requested test or the clinical breeding does not match the blood sample. However, if a risk has been flagged, it will fall under the Clinical essay Management guidelines. If there is no clinical risk to be dealt with, the specimen will proceed to the neighboring stage.The sample and the request form have to show the patient demographics. Patient demographics refers to the information that identifies the patient and provides different data that is important to the clinician in coming up with a diagnosis. Demographics consists of the patients name, hospital number, and betrothal of birth. Missing demographic data makes the specimen a clinical risk, and a request for a peeled sample is sent to the requestor. Other instances where the sample poop be classified as inadequately label include those samples that are not accompanied by supporting paperwork, and those that are labeled differently from the request form in such cases, a request for a new sample is sent to the requestor If the expand match the sample, the specimen will be taken for further assessment in the laboratory. Some exceptions can be made in certain situations, especially if there is a need to protect the individuation of the one from whom the sample has been obtained. An example of such a situation is in the case of an unrelated swot up marrow donor whose identity has been protected using an international code for identification based on the Patient International Data Protection.After the clinician has verified that the specimen identification matches the request form, the anticoagulant tobacco pipe is then checked to ascertain that the correct sam ple has been sent to the laboratory. For HLA genotyping, an EDTA anticoagulant
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Industry Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Industry analysis - Essay ExampleOne of the things which I would like to achieve in the future is the ability to image how to each one impact is peckerd in relation to critical success factors for a certain manufacture. This is because several(prenominal) critical success factors are more important than others in somewhat(prenominal) industry. Additionally, I would like to measure how each of the critical success factors relate to a certain parentage individually. Within every industry, each and every individual firm is affected by critical success factors in different ways. beingnessness able to rank these factors for each and every business would be more important since every business relates to these factors in a different way.In future, I would like to be more accurate in knowing how the success factors for the related industry affect the success factors in the main industry being analyzed. This would help in making sure that everything has been taken care of and that there is enough analysis in determining the success factors in the industry.The research approach I used was qualitative with regard to feeling at the factors which can hinder or support the growth of a firm in the enhancive manufacturing industry. What I was looking for is any factor which may indicate that the firm will have any challenge. In this regard, I was looking at regulation issues, cultural issues and market visibility issues. One study factor that came up as a success factor in the industry was the regulation of the industry by the government. Lintner (2009) was one author whose work I read and he was discussing the regulatory factors in the decorative manufacturing industry, not only in Canada, but actually around the world.Malkan (2013) was also looking at some of the main issues which the cosmetic industry faces. In her book titled Not Just a slightly Face the Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry, she looks at the internal
Personal portfolio application for an overseas leadership position Essay
Personal portfolio application for an overseas leadership position - Essay practiceThis emotional intelligence competency, along with maintaining a well-educated background in sociology and psychology, will assist in developing meaningful relationships with diverse foreign workers and managers that is crucial to maintaining competitive edge done human cap development. In todays business world, a company requires establishment of a cohesive and dedicate organizational assimilation. To develop culture successfully, individual competencies that must contribute include inspiring through guardianship and vision iteration, opening lines of communication, and creation prep ared to serve as a transformational teacher (Fairholm, 2009). Knowledge of how to hit a diversity-focused organizational culture is one of my most valued and vital competencies that has prepared me well for a role as expatriate. The Philippines The Philippines is considered to be a collectivist country, one in whi ch multitude membership and group loyalty are paramount social characteristics. Citizens in collectivist countries help to mold their personal identities through consideration of the thoughts and opinions of peer networks and, oftentimes, loss of face (reputation) is a major concern (Cheung, Cheung, Zhang, Leung & Yeh, 2008). Though much of these aim differ from my own personal values as it relates to identity formation and personal social needs, having an sympathy of the collectivist mindset will assist in developing usurp human resources policies to gain allegiance and dedication through organizational culture development. I will be able to effectively bring into being reward policies linked with transactional management philosophy that consider group affiliation and group contribution instead than attempting to use Western models of individual reward that work sufficiently in the United States. Since the establishment of a performance management system often leads to bette r worker productivity in which regular appraisals are conducted, understanding how to develop group-minded HR policies will lead to more loyalty and trust in the organization. The Philippines culture is also one that is risk tolerant, scoring moderately low in the dimension of culture know as uncertainty avoidance (Hofstede Centre, 2013). This is very similar to my own home culture and my own set of personal values. In todays business world, entrepreneurship in galore(postnominal) executive managers and employees is a vital dimension to attaining a positive business reputation and finding competitive advantage. Entrepreneurial behaviors include being willing to take risks and trying new strategies in order to outperform competition. These cultural similarities maintain many opportunities for creating not only a cohesive culture within the business, but also coming up with multiple baskets of ideas about how to find absolute advantages over competing firms. Recognizing that both th e United States and The Philippines share similar tilt to gamble on innovative strategic objectives will also assist in developing appropriate policies that will meet with unified dedication throug
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Rituals in Modern and Ancient Society Research Paper
Rituals in Modern and Ancient fellowship - Research Paper ExampleWhile many of these rituals have stayed with our species since they were originally constructed so many eons ago, non all of them have retained the same structure. Our gentle race is prided in its ability to adapt to changes in time and circumstances, and our rituals be not exempt from this fact. By looking at the antediluvian rituals of birth and the passage to adulthood, and then comparing them to our modern practices, one can see how our society has adapted our rituals to match the changes of the human race.The rituals surrounding birth are perhaps the ones that have seen the most change throughout time. In the earlyish years of the human race, the complete process of birth, from conception to the birth of the bungle, was not wholly understood. Without physicians or a sound understanding of the workings of the human body, people were not immediately aware of how a child was conceived. As such, this beautiful miracle of life was truly that to early civilizations - a miracle. A pregnant woman was lordly by the whole society, and the birth of the child was a celebration that everyone partook. As science and medicine advanced, providing acumen into the functions of the body that allow for conception and birth, rituals were altered to acknowledge these natural, wondrous processes. In ancient Greece, birthing rituals were base on superstitious belief. The room in which the mother would give birth would be checked for knots, which were believed to jibe or prevent birth. Once the mother went into labor, she would crouch over a birthing stool where cardinal midwives would massage her stomach and a third would be waiting to catch the baby. After the birth of the baby, some(prenominal) mother and child would be cleaned as birth blood was thought to be unlucky. A theater would then be made on the babys forehead to protect them from curses caused by the loathsomeness eye (Byrne, 2006). In C hina during the late 1800s, a Taoist priest would whisper prayers to the mother duration she was in labor to encourage an easy birth. After the child was born, they would not be washed for tether days to diminish any influences of evil. Zuni Indians of the 1890s conducted birth in silence despite the pain she no doubt experienced, a woman in labor was not allowed to speak. Instead, the women of her family would groan and cry for her. Six days after the birth, the child would be presented to the Zuni gods, a ceremony attended by all members of the tribe. In ancient Indonesia and Malaysia, women were not allowed medicine for pain relief, and the birth took place within the home since the first cry of the baby was in loyalty to the parents and should be heard in the home. A priest would whisper prayers and scriptures to the child so that the first words the baby would hear would be those of faith. Many of these rituals have withstood the sands of time, though they whitethorn not be immediately recognizable. The major difference between birthing rituals in ancient generation and in modern times is that the practices of the ancient were required, while women in the modern era are some unlimited in how they give birth (Rouhier-Willoughby, 2003). Midwives are common, though not necessarily required, and they help appease the mother and make the delivery easier. In some religious settings, a priest is present to call forth both child and mother. Some women do not use medication during birth, fearing that the medication might harm their child, and the location of the birth varies from one woman to another. Many are conducted in the maternity wards of hospitals, some are done in special birthing centers that promote natural births, and others are done in bathtubs in the homes of the mothers-to-be. After the birth of a child, the next milestone in their life is the transition into adulthood.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Project part Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Project part - Essay ExampleThese stores are spread in countries alike(p) US, Canada, China and Puerto Rico. In the year 2007, the confederation was able announce and expand its operation up to 40 percent that prospected an increase in stores to a tune of 1800 globally on top of the already lively 1400 stores that operate in US. This great society traces its roots back in 1966 in the state of manganese a place called St. Paul where it was called Sound Music Store. (Pinkerton 12)The guild waded through the murky waters of business, flogging competition until the year 1983 when it rebranded to Best Buy with its first store opening in Burnsville in Minnesota. The company managed to feature in the Forbes magazine in the year 1993 where it was ranked as the second largest consumer shop that retails in electronics thus making it number 373 out of top 500 companies in the US. In the year 1999 the company partnered with Microsoft that enabled it to open a sourcing point and a store in Shanghai, China in the year 2003 and 2007 respectively. The company is now completing its expansion process of putting up stores in countries like Turkey and Mexico as a process of continuing with its global expansion. The company is glorified by becoming the first genius ever in the year 1997 in the history of US that pioneered the sale of DVD hardware and software, again it also managed to be the first company that helped in the digital migration from analogue ten years later. The stick out fortune came when the company was named company of the year in the Forbes magazine in the year 2004. (Pinkerton,
Monday, April 22, 2019
Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Corporate Strategy - Essay usagetinuous corporate process which examines the corporate business status and the industry competition in which the corporate is operating(a) in, assessing the competition and setting goals and strategies to meet new challenges. (David, 1989)This paper will therefore look into a mini case for Starbucks Company which is trying to enter the Indian commercialize. The main issues that will be addressed by the paper will be entry problem and market entry analysis using porters 5 forces model. It will finally give a briefing note on the case.In the recent past, employment has become increasingly global in some way because of the need to gather and increase the familiaritys financial base. To achieve greater investments and better market opportunities in the international market, companies are crack new branches in different countries. Starbucks Company is one of the companies that are expanding its market and it has targeted the Indian market.Starbucks Cor poration is an the Statesn play along based in Washington, which buys makes and sell coffees and coffee drinks in many of its international retail outlets chains. Starbucks started as a seller of encase high quality coffee, today Starbucks has developed to become one of the go around companies known for its coffeehouses, giving its customers a place to buy beverages and other food items in addition of the packaged whole bean coffee. The ships company is given credit on changing how people in America and the world all over perceive and take coffee. (Business Week, 2007)In relation to its expansion plans Starbuck has been eyeing the Indian market which is among the biggest markets in Asia because of the high population the country has. However, the government of India have been taking time in allowing the company to enter the Indian market. Starbucks Company had intended to have a joint ship with an Indian company named New Horizon. New Horizon Company already operates 45 Starbuc ks retail outlets in Indonesia. The joint venture was a
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Position paper for 2020 tourism Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Position paper for 2020 phaetonry dodging - Essay ExampleThe ACT Government, under the auspices of VisitCanberra, prepared the 2020 Tourism Strategy. The system seeks to provide a framework within which the full potential of the tourism industry in Canberra can be realized (The ACT Government, 2013). Its goal is to increase the tax from overnight visitors to Canberra overleap from the current $1.58 billion to $2.5 billion by the year 2020. This goal is concordant with the National Tourism Strategy 2020 that seeks to double the amount of money overnight visitors in the whole of Australia spend from the 2009 figure of $70 billion to $140 billion by the year 2020.The basis of the 2020 Tourism Strategy was a thorough market research of the industry (The ACT Government, 2013). The research project profiled the current tourist products and experiences as well as potential for new ones. In the first short run, the strategy depart seek to realize its goal through a raft of criterion s. The first measure is to invest in the marketing of tourist destinations in the Canberra region for both local and international visitors. The second measure is to realize direct international flights and to expand the local aviation industry. The third is to enhance the technological subject of the industry. The fourth is to promote sectors that complement the tourism industry. These include transportation and commerce. The fifth measure is to create an alter business environment by eliminating barriers to entry and keeping statutory requirements to a minimum. Fin in ally, the Government shall invest in new tourist products development.The Government recognizes that the above actions cannot be realized single-handedly they will require the cooperation and coordination of all stakeholders (The ACT Government, 2013). These include tourism enterprises, regulatory bodies and all the attractions that the Commonwealth funds. Another broad goal if the strategy is to promote the
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Segmentation, targeting and positioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Segmentation, targeting and positioning - judge ExampleChanges in fashion and consumer behavior hold also been influential (Key Note 2012). Such factors feed influenced trade trends and consumer behavior spectrum. These challenges are still prevailing in the market where brands are preparing to meet them in the coming years of time (Key Note 2012). In sports footgear, the market has remained stagnant as experts and trainers have best-loved the same old trend of quality and functioning despite new fashion trend and denominate merchandise. This has maintained the position of UKs sports brands as they have been emphasizing on the old market trends and have remained stable on reliability and sustenance attributes. One of the reasons for holding strong market position in sports rupture is that brands Nike, Reebok, and Adidas have been firm on understanding consumer satisfaction (Key Note 2012). They have understood what customers compulsion and what their preferences are on premium raiment wear collections. Meanwhile, the market is showing decent customer chemical reaction in the recent time which means that it holds a great entrust for upcoming brands in the UK footwear segment (Key Note 2012). This report is going to analyze the position of UK footwear market, where the aim is to mensurate UK brands in terms of their marketing strategies. The first part (overview) will access UK footwear companies in terms of marketing tactics (segmentation and positioning), and second part (conclusion) will comprise a relationship between findings and evaluation (Vieceli and Valos 1998). selling C erstpts grocery store Segmentation Segmentation is a process of market dissection, which means dividing the market into segments and in positions where market holds the greatest opportunity for a viewive brand, its products and services (Vieceli and Valos 1998). The concept relates to division of market in respect of customer behaviors, perceptions and opinions. This is o ne promotional process that finds a starting way for a brand to fork out its demand in terms of the values from the consumers (Vieceli and Valos, 1998, pp.137). Market Targeting and Positioning Targeting and positioning are further split of market segmentation process. They are close to promotion of a brand and are leading processes to brace the position of the brand in a new market place. Targeting is the secondary process which is headed on once segmentation gets completed. The targeting process identifies the place of a brand within the pre-identified market segments and positioning is what grapples the place of a brands products within the preset target market. By completing segmentation and positioning, the company adjusts its place in a new target market and this is for the long term basis (Cant, Strydom and Jooste 2009). Overview of UK Footwear Market Here is the overview of UK footwear market, which is to analyze the position of the footwear industry in the UK market segm ent. The analyses will evaluate the brands in terms of their marketing strategies (segmentation, targeting, positioning) in order to see how the brands place their products in terms of UK footwear customer (Vieceli and Valos 1998). UK is the place of diversity, a place where consumers are on changing market trends. Whether it is cloth wear or shoe wear, all segments are varying and with modifying market trends. In footwear, the loyalty stands for diversified shoe brands. The brands which are unique in designs
Friday, April 19, 2019
Criminal Justice Experiential Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
poisonous Justice Experiential Paper - Essay ExampleIt is interesting because how people react is a unspoiled indication of the state of society today although there are many definitions of deviance such as absolutist, reactivist or normative, suffice it to say at this point that deviance refers to anything that is out of norm. Along this line, it is perhaps victorian to first identify the grandeur of norms to society and in our everyday lives (Clinard & Meier, 2008, p. 8). This is because without norms being discussed it would be difficult to frame in deviant behavior into a proper context. The social norms therefore are references to expectations people place on everyone regarding what is correct conduct on certain situations or in occasions when people normally ruck up among themselves. Simply, deviance is anything that is quite different from the accepted social norms it implies that deviance is a very relative caprice or matter of perception. On a deeper level, deviance i s something that is non valued or dis-valued (perceived or evaluated in a negative light). The social gathering which I had chosen to implement my experiment was our school reunion. thither were several batches present, those ahead of us and those who studied after us, besides the batch mates to which I belonged. It was a silver jubilee (25th year) since our lofty school graduation and many of us attended some went together with their families. discussion In this section, I will discuss some of the deviant behaviors which I engaged in during our high school reunion. It must be emphasized at this point that at no time did my rank behavior endangered anyone or put someone even remotely at risk. I whitethorn have offended some peoples sensibilities only that was close all about it it was all intended to distill reactions. The actions I took and the varied reactions I elicited with them are discussed below. Deviant Behaviors I intentionally draw in slow for the start of the fe stivities. Although it was agreed by our batch that everyone should endeavor to arrive early or even on time, the time I got there was already almost an hour late and naturally, my batch mates were not happy with the way things turned out for our batch as I missed an early graphical for our group. Moreover, I did not apologize or offer some explanation as to why I was that late. My guess was that everyone expected me to at least give an alibi which I think was not necessary. This was because everyone in our batch had been reminded a few times several days before the event to please arrive on time reminders were sent to each one of us by text messages. It is therefore almost inconceivable for someone to be late the implication was that the party or occasion was not accorded the importance it deserves. I tried to appear grouchy as well. There was a fund raising legal action to coincide with the momentous occasion in which I had promised to buy two tickets as my contribution to the kindness works of the school. This is a raffle in which ticket holders are supposed to win some prizes but I purposely remarked that the prizes were too cheap considering the price of the tickets being sold. That remark was for the purpose of giving them an force that I was not too happy with paying for my tickets. At the very least, it was construed by our batch prexy and others that I tried to sneak out of a firm commitment to buy those two tickets. I also mumbled something about having to pay a hospital bill for a close relative who was speed to the
Child perpetrator of violence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Child perpetrator of violence - Case Study ExampleThis is a case that happened to twenty six stratum old Corey Deen Saunders who experienced chaotic baby birdhood and currently serves a life article of faith in prison for perpetuation inner abuse to a six year old boy. Corey Deen Saunders and family annals Corey Deen Saunders is a 26 year old man serving a life sentence in prison after abusing a six year old boy in a library. He is mildly retarded and suffers from attention deficit disorder. He had serious psychological problems and turned from a dupe to a predator that informally preyed on young boys. Saunders substantially liked jr. boys, especially those between six and xii years and always gave excuses to be around and hang out with them. As he grew up, his behavior became conspicuously internal and all his remarks on boys were sexual in nature. Saunders also sexually fantasized a lot about younger boys living in his neighborhood. He admitted to having more than four hu ndred sexual fantasies that involved younger children in school. At peerless point, he contemplated raping and murdering a specific ten year old boy in school. In April 1999, Saunders tried to aggressively win over a twelve year old boy to have sex with him. As Corey Deen Saunders grew, he became sexually compulsive towards younger boys. Saunders compulsive sexual behavior in conclusion landed him in prison following unsuccessful rehabilitation. His real problems began when he sexually abused two children below his age. This is because he had serious psychological problems. Saunders overtly sexual behavior was not corrected at Stetson school and he continued making sexual advances to younger boys. He stole boys under wears and hoarded them. In September 1999, Stetson school found it super difficult to contain Saunders and it was decided that Saunders was becoming hazardous to younger children and was transferred to North Carolinas treatment facility. However, Saunders was transfe rred to fleet East compulsion Shelter in Taunton instead. Saunders escaped from the facility on December 30, 1999 and was found by police some hours later walking barefoot in the streets of Taunton. After escaping from Top East Emergency Shelter he was never readmitted and the Department of Social Services instructed the police to take Saunders to a nourish home in Attleboro. Neither police nor the Department of Social Services informed the cleaning woman at foster home that he young man had serious psychological problems. As a result, the woman manager did not take extra measures to protect other children from his sexually compulsive behavior. Consequently, Saunders sexually assaulted a seven year old son of the foster woman a few feet away from his bring forth in the fosters home living room. As a result, Saunders was charged of battery and unbecoming assault of a child below fourteen years, abuse and attempted rape of a child less than sixteen years. Following the above inc ident in 2001, Saunders pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four years and one day in prison, with additional twelve years probation. After serving his term in prison, Saunders was eventually released. However, Saunders sexually assaulted a six year old boy in New Bedford Public Library, and he was charged again with battery and indecent assault on a child below fourteen years, enticing and raping a child below sixteen years. Following his second abuse, he was sentenced for life to contain him away from harming children.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Lamb to the Slaughter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Lamb to the Slaughter - analyze ExampleThe use of irony can easily captivate and excite us. Many a measure in order to understand the moral of the story or the theme it needs one to be able to recognize irony. There are multiple uses and subjects of irony throughout this short story. One case is when Mary Maloney goes to the grocery store after she kills her husband she acts as if nothing has happened and gives the grocery store clerk the idea that everything is fine. This is considered hammy irony because the reader knows more about whats taken place than whatsoever of the characters in the story. The clerk thinks Patrick is at home waiting for dinner, but we know he is dead. Another example is when the policemen are eating the leg of lamb and one says Probably right under our very noses. What do you think, Jack? (Dahl 9).This is dramatic irony because the weapon used to kill Patrick really is right under their noses. except they have obviously committed one of the worst err ors possible in this crime scene, and lost the glacial evidence they would need to for finding the killer, they continue eating, assuming the leg of lamb could never be a weapon, while Mary Maloney is giggling in the other room. In other words, Dahl is trying to capture here, and the dramatic irony really catches the tone of the dark comedy. That makes the audience feel the ideas of a tragedy as something funny. Therefore, relating hold up to the overall picture of the piece of literate as a dark comedy.The conflict then begins to cut again as she creates an alibi and brings in the police to catch the murderer. There are two immaterial conflicts in this story.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
CRITICAL THINKING PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
CRITICAL THINKING PROJECT - Essay lessonThe next section will be an analysis of the strategy required to make my theory of an amend person practical.Malcolm X distinguishes nurture and schooling in terms of the objectives that each seek to meet. According to him, creation educated is ab extinct one having an internal drive to read much and discover what has been left out in conventional knowledgeal system. For him being educated is more than gaining status symbol which is offered by colleges (Malcolm X 217). This is based on his belief that education outside the formal system ensured he read more and developed increased sensitivity to knowledge propagated by different authors. The relationship between education and the alliance is found in its ability to empower people and enable them rediscover their position in the world. For instance, Malcolm Xs education was central to discovering the inconsistencies between the truth of African history and negative portrayal of their sec tion to human civilization.For Bell Hooks, the process of education involves students learning by internalization of information as contrary to rote learning where students are consumers of knowledge. Therefore, for one to become educated, they mustiness be ready to be dynamical participants in the process of learning. Active participation according to Hooks ensures the learner is able to link sense with practice (Hooks 14). Hooks see schooling as a process that leads to education of students however, for the students to be educated, they must be empowered. Hooks advices students to seek education that leads to self-actualization attained through unification of body and mind. The author is against education that seeks to separate body and mind as necessary in wellbeing of the learner. It is only through education that emphasizes union of mind, body and spirit is necessary for the learner to be able to
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Advertising and promotion strategy Essay Example for Free
publicize and advance strategy EssaySince the inception of the companys first outlet in Cleveland, disseminated sclerosis in the year 1987, Back Yard Burgers depended mostly on the word of mouth publicity to dissemination awareness and promote its home cooked burgers. New outlets that opened in the subsequent years expanded non only the companys consumer base and revenue but similarly stressed the need for militant selling strategy to sustain the increase cost of operations. Back Yard Burgers started advert on the tv in the year 1993.The initial advertise campaigns were titled the great burger wars that took a punch at the competitors. In June 1994 the company launched a series of campaigns that featured Dennis R. Phillipi, a popular comedian in Memphis who soon became far-famed as Dennis the Back Yard Burgers Guy. The commercials projected the burgers as bigger, tastier, and healthier than those offered by the competitors due to its cook cooking method that melted most of the fat. The publicise campaigns were effectual in increasing sales and airlift the revenue by 10 to 15%.Launch of new products and subsequent commercials on the television featuring Dennis Phillipi was an effective strategy. The company used the audio of these commercials in radio advertising that was cheaper. In addition the company also used direct mail advertising. The company collects 1% of taxable sales from each franchisee and company-operated simplicityaurants that goes to the home(a) advertising fund. 50% of this fund is utilized for marketing promos through various channels like radio, television, and print media.The rest 50% is used for market research, new product testing, and development, improvising on the operational front. The companys marketing director monitors product launch and new restaurant opening promotions and marketing managers with a well-trained staff. The management whole kit and boodle in collaboration with the franchisees towards advertisi ng and promotion of its restaurants. The advertising fee earned by the company increased from $314,000 in July 1, 2006 period to $318,000 in June 30, 2007 period.The $4000 increase over the earlier period is accounted to the 1% of sales that goes to the national advertising fund as per company policies. The company also recorded an increase in the advertising expense from $668,000 in the July 1, 2006 to $814,000 in June 30, 2007 that attributes to approximately 5% of the net restaurant sales on advertising in the past year. (see annexure for the comparative income statements). The company has been stressing on the advertising and promotion strategy but it has non been very effective. There are some important points that can be highlighted in this respect. The company has not been able to create instigant inscription and brand awareness in spite of good note products and effective marketing strategy. This could be attributed to low brand visibility. This can be remedied with aggr essive market campaigns that butt at the younger generation since this is the biggest consumer segment for the fast food industry. Strategies that aim for deeper market penetration, fun logotype that heap can relate to enjoyable food and moments are essential for brand positioning. Fun logo is a ideal that the consumers can equate with good times.The simple logo of McDonalds is easily identifiable and children and youngsters can spot it from a distance this is one of the best examples of effective brand positioning. The other concept that the Back Yard Burgers can adopt is the use of bright color-coding for their outlets and the signboards. A bright color shunning attracts the younger generation and gives it an inviting look. The unicourseity in look and feel of the franchisee restaurants and the other company-operated restaurant is essential to get in an easily identifiable picture in the consumer minds. In running a successful brand promotion campaign the essential point i s to identify the consumer segment. Who are the consumers and the target focus group for this chain of restaurants? The children and adolescents who form a major chunk of the consumer group typically favour the fast food industry. The working people segment is another segment that will stop by for fast and filling food in their office hours. Fast divine service food is ideal meal for this segment.Campaigns attracting these two segments will create brand awareness and spell higher revenues for the company. Last but not the least the quality of food and service efficiency is the crux of the fast food industry. A good and satisfying meal will direct the consumers returning for more. The satisfied and happy customer will not only promote brand loyalty but will have high recommendations regarding the food and service to their friends and families. This is the greatest form of publicity that a fast food outlet can expect.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Essay Example for Free
Role of Entrepreneurship and Innovation EssayThey have apply existing means of proceeds differently, more appropriately, more adventurously. They have carried out new combinations. They are entrepreneurs Joseph Schumpeter (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007). Entrepreneurship is a procedure through which individuals advert opportunities ( lines that need to be solved or unmet needs) in the merchandise place, onlyocate resources, initiate change by being innovative and creative and create value through solutions.One of the Factors of Production to produce goods or services is Enterprise with Land, Labour and Capital an entrepreneur combines all other factors of returnion by enterprise, which is in truth caper solving, risk taking and creativity, to come up with innovative products or services. Innovation is the ability to get hold change as an opportunity not a threat. (Steve Jobs,2010). It is not necessary that Innovation is something solely new which is stated as Discrete ch annelise by Joseph Schumpeter, it tidy sum likewise be a Gradual Change, that is a product or service which is bettor than what was there before (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007).It potful be called a process by which an Idea or invention is translated into a product or service for which sight will pay and perceive it as being new. Entrepreneurship is incomplete without Innovation as Steve Jobs said, Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. . (Steve Jobs,2010). Economic education discharge be defined as the suppuration of stinting wealth for the well being of a countrys inhabitants.It implies progressive changes in the socio- sparing structure of an economy, change in the distribution pattern of income, credence of new technologies, creation of jobs, transition from agro-based to industry-based economy and general improvements in subsisting standards. According to Lumsdaine and Binks,In the ba ckground of entrepreneurship, it is creativity that leads to Innovation, that is instruction of new products and processes which when innovated replace the traditional and previous versions. creativeness leads to a greater fulfilment on an individual basis as we use our imagination to create our new horizons for what we do in our bangs.By imagining what we could be and achieve, we move beyond the boundaries we have previously set for ourselves. Innovation can be seen as practical application of creativity in an organization. (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007) So Innovation is actually the product of Creativity and Problem Solving with the help of Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are the catalysts that spur the economy with their innovations and technological change Joseph Schumpeter (Lumsdaine and Binks, 2007). Entrepreneurship leads to Economic Change and economical development through creative destruction.When the Entrepreneurs sell their Idea, the Idea is a solution to a puzzle an d is a need that has not been met before which means there was a gap in the mart for that product or service which he innovated, consumers buy it because there is a demand for it which the entrepreneur recognize and innovated it and as more and more consumers buy it, more will be the improvement in animateness Standards of the inhabitants of the Economy in conclusion, entrepreneurs showing their creativity solve a problem and innovate a product or service which benefits the economic development of an economy directly and indirectly.Wal-Mart Stores is a relevant example for apprehension the relationship betwixt Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development, the company which is ranked no. 18 in the Forbes advert of Global 2000 Leading Companies 2011. Samuel Moore Walton is one of the most successful entrepreneurs who made it mathematical in less than fractional a century. He founded the Company in 1962 when he opened the companys basic deduction interject in Rogers, Arkansas, USA after watching a market gap of Discount stores in his State of Arkansas.He just figured out a problem that people in the urban areas have to pay higher prices at stores in the city center since the country office is remote away for the consumers to go there and the stores used to take an advantage of that and charge higher prices. Sam Walton imagined exploitation his creativity, what if there is a discount store in the city which buys everything in bulk from the country side and uses its own transport for delivery of good to the store, would the consumers buy from there at lower prices rather than expiry to other stores in the city with higher prices.He just used his creativity to solve the problem and Innovated worlds first and most successful Discount Store, Wal-Mart. Sam Walton, in his autobiography, said, If you think somewhat it from the point of view of the customer, you want everything a wide assortment of quality merchandise the lowest possible prices gua ranteed satisfaction friendly, knowledgeable service convenient hours and a pleasant shopping experience. You love it when a store exceeds your expectations, and you hate it when a store inconveniences you, gives you a hard time, or pretends youre invisible. (2011).When he opened his first Wal-Mart store, no one imagined he was introducing a retailing formula that inside a generation would collision the lives of cardinals of people. Wal-Mart Stores grew gradually but at a good pace and then reached to the position it has achieved today. In 1975, it employed only 7500 employees, 125 stores with gross revenue of $340 billion. In 1983, The Forbes Magazine ranked it no. 1 General retailer for the eighth year straight. In 1991, Wal-mart became an external supermarket chain with more than 1200 stores and more than 200,000 employees.Wal-Mart launched Sams clubs which was alike a success and reached 1995 stores, 239 supercentres, 433 Sams Clubs and 276 international stores with 675,000 e mployees by the end of 1995. By 1997, Wal-Mart Stores had entered into another man of the world, which is China and was taking Environmental friendly measures and also became the largest close employer in the US with 680,000 employees and additional 115,000 international employees serving 90 million customers per week worldwide.By the end of the 1990s, Wal-Mart had opened stores in Korea and Germany and had become the largest private employer of the World with total of 1,140,000 employees. By 2004, Wal-Mart had been declared as the third most admirable company in the US by Fortune Magazine, ranked among the companies with Top 25 Diversity Recruitment Programs and was awarded the Corporate patriotism Award.In 2005, The Wal-Mart Foundation started working much actively and donated $18 million for US hurricane simpleness efforts and the Company employed more than 1. million employees and owned 3800 Stores in the US and 3800 International Stores with Annual Sales of $312. 4 billion and existed in 16 countries. Today, Wal-Mart Stores owns 9826 stores in 28 countries with 2. 1 million employees and serves more than 176 million customers annually. Walmart Foundation now is too active and donates largely in relief efforts and for causes it has separate programs for different palm like Health, Disable people and Education (Wal-mart Stores, 2011).Sam Walton said it best, If we work together, well lower the cost of living for everyonewell give the world an opportunity to see what its like to save and have a better life. (2011). This was the innovation mainly in his Idea of Discount Stores to save peoples money, to help them live better was the goal that Sam Walton envisioned when he opened the doors to the first Walmart (2011). If his vision was to help people live better which means improving their living standards, then there is no doubt that how muchWal-Mart would have contributed towards positive economic development just because of Sam Waltons entrepreneurship and Innovation. A company that employs 2. 1 million people cannot be questioned for its section towards economic development. Since it generated a lot of employment opportunities the economy was benefited in the form of expenditure on goods and services by the employees moreover, all the employees working there earn a salary from Wal-Mart and then spend it on goods and services in their own economies.Expenditures like education and wellness increase the demand of goods and services in the economy leading to economic growth. This has lead to increase in the economys PPF outwards as A. D of the economy has increased. On the basis of the figures provided in the 2010s Annual Report of Wal-Mart Stores and the World Banks statistics of the USs GDP of the year 2010, Wal-Mart Stores had contributed near 2. 8 percent to the Annual GDP of the US in 2010. (Yahoo Finance and World Bank, 2011).This Calculation can be supported by the Statistics provided by the website of Wall-Mart Stores, tha t in 2010, Wal-Marts sales were $307. billion in U. S. retail sales as thenext five largest U. S. retailers combinedsales of $324. 5 billion Kroger ($78. 3 billion), stain ($65. 8 billion), Walgreen ($61. 2 billion), Home Depot ($60. 1 billion) and Costco ($58. 9 billion). In 2005, almost half (46%) of Americans lived within 5 miles of a Walmart or Sams Club, and 88% lived within 15 miles of a Walmart of Sams Club which also shows the contribution of Wal-Mart towards U. S. s economy and in 2011, every $45 dollars fatigued in the U. S. economy, almost $1 was spent on a purchase at a Walmart. (Wal-mart Stores, 2011).Therefore, the presence of Wal-mart in the US economy generated income not only for the employees but for the economy as a whole. Among all of the great scholars of entrepreneurship, Joseph Schumpeter is the only one who has explained justly the relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development. According to Lumsdaine and Binks (2007), The cruci al contribution made by Joseph Schumpeter in The theory of Economic Development (ref. 2. 1) was to highlight the entrepreneurs role as the catalyst for economic development. This contribution connects entrepreneurship, creativity and economic development.To down the stairsstand the actual and potential impact of entrepreneurship, it is important to consider his analysis. Schumpeter pictured any economy as a collection of enterprises and employment where each represented a bad-tempered combination of production factors in the form of machines, people, land, premises, finance, and so on, in some sense every business relied for its market upon the successful activities of all others.This interdependence through customer demand meant that changes in the nature or level of economic activity would be caused only when a new combination of factors of production was introduced. The divers(a) operations of Walmart did not only benefit the US but has also contributed to economic developmen t of infra- create and meaty countries of Africa. According to Brown and Sander (2007), large multinational supermarket chains are rapidly expanding in developed and developing economies. These supermarket chains tend to import agriculture products from developing and under-developed economies this is due to the advantage developing and under developed countries offer them in quality and prices. Which in a way is good for the development of the under developed and developing countries.According to Brown and Sander (2007), In the continent of Africa, where small farmers account for some(prenominal) 90 per cent of agricultural production and 73 per cent of Africas rural poor, access to semiprecious international markets could play a crucial role in wider poverty reduction, most multinational Supermarket chains buy Fruits and Vegetables from small holder farmers of Sub-Saharan Africa which also increases exports of these poor countries yielding in higher economic development of their country by improvement in their living standards.According to Stokk (2007), Supply chain development initiated by supermarkets can help farmers escape the low productiveness trap. Supermarkets face a short order cost, but gradually benefit from the agricultural skill upgrading in terms of increased market share. Our result suggests that when farmers do not meet the required standards, supermarkets have an incentive to invest in farm help programs that improve the productivity of local suppliers.Supermarket expansion not only affects farmers in the supply chain, but also has consequences for the rest of the food retail sector. Traditional retailers face increased competition and potential loss of market share, but may benefit from foreign supermarkets through spillover effects of the latest retail techniques. (2009).Higher productivity and latest retail techniques do affect the economic development to a great extent. In the said(prenominal) article Stokk said, The value of l ocal purchases made to operate the Wal-Mart stores and facilities such as tilities and business services. The value of goods exchange by local manufacturers to Wal-Mart, The types of Wal-Mart facilities present within the MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), while the price effects from retail stores can be significant, other facilities such as distribution centers can also have positive economic impacts. In conclusion, this essay has clearly analysed the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development and has also before long explain the role Creativity and Problem Solving play in this relationship.In this relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development, Innovation is the base, since economic development is influenced by entrepreneurship through Innovation. However, it is not necessary that all entrepreneurs benefit the economic development it can only have a positive implication on economic development if there is innovation . And for innovation to effect the economic development positively with entrepreneurship, the entrepreneur should be creative in problem solving.Creativity is a foundation of this relationship and problem solving is an essential tool for this relationship to come over difficulties and carry on with the flow from entrepreneurship to positive economic development through innovation. However, long term economic development cannot lack of innovation and entrepreneurship, simultaneously, as tools of innovation, creativity and problem solving play a vital role in the whole process. Word Count 1651 quarrel without referencing.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Shakespeare Coursework Essay Example for Free
Shakespeare Course decease Es presupposeTask Give an account of the methods, which Shakespeare uses to reveal Richards character to us and to fabricate our attitudes towards him. You should also refer to Shakespeares mankindipulation of history and the way in which he sets out to present Richard tether in a particular way. Richard the trio was business leader during the 15th century and happened to be matchless of the outgo kings England had, and did, as kings go, a good job of running the country. Shakespeare however hands him out to be an evil manipulative person who does anything and e very(prenominal)thing to gain power.Also Shakespeare meddles about with season and the order in which things really happen, with the basic model of making Richard seem even more scheming and seductive. Why should such a brilliant playwright want to lie about a good and decent king such as Richard the third? As soon as you start this play, Shakespeare is already hammering the image of Richard as a unholy and rotten toad who is so evil and horrible that such quotations as used as a description for him. That dogs bark at me as I halt by themAnother thing that happens is that Shakespeare, quite of setting the scene and keeping it calm in the prototypic act, already is getting the plot introduced and thickened. inside the first 10 pages of the Oxford edition it already has Richard killing someone by methods, which involve others doing the dirty work for his own benefit. Simple plain Clarence, I do love thee so That I leave in short send your soul to heaven. This is Shakespeare carnal knowledge you that Richard is a character which has no conscience, as he can say this one line so happily and knowing that by saying it Clarence is as well as dead.This is a good example of Shakespeare using irony in its full potential in this play. In the second scene of Act 1 Richard is seducing Lady Anne even though he has just deep killed her husband and does so with the corp se next to them. This is again Shakespeare making Richard seem heartless and a man who bears no conscience. Your bedchamber In this quotation Richard is saying where hed like to stay and this is a clear line, which is telling the reader he is trying to get Lady Anne to marry him. With this quotation and scene of the seducing of Lady Anne, Shakespeare is telltale(a) another part of Richardss character.He is showing us that this foul toad Richard can be bewitching and quite a ladies man when he wants to be. By doing this however he also implies that the character of Richard will be a very manipulative one, as he turns emotions and styles of behavior on and off as it is needed, it is not very often that he is sincere about the way he feels. When Shakespeare wrote this play he made some peculiar changes to its chronological order, he moved things forward and backwards through time to suit his play. I suppose in this way Shakespeare has something in common with Richard, they both are v ery fond of using manipulation to makes things go their way.The method, which Shakespeare uses, is called the manipulation of history and the reason he does so is to make the image of Richard in the audiences head seem even worse and more evil still. What actually happened was that Richard get married Lady Anne 6 years after her husbands death. However, in Shakespeares version of events is that the coffin is still present and light when Richard seduces and goes on to marry in way under 6 years. You see that Shakespeare hasnt even finished the first act yet but still there is an awful lot to take in, in cost of plot, and you can see the basic structure Richard is cunningly using to get into power.We know that Richard does become king and does get killed at the end, but that isnt what makes this play what it is, it is the way the character of Richard is gradually revealed to us in incompatible forms, whether it be a murderer, a dud, a charmer or his majesty himself. As Richard mo ves on he discovers (to his pleasure) that the king is very ill and will undoubtedly die soon from natural causes. You see that Richard isnt at all bothered by the fact that a man is going to die, but is more bothered about how to become king after he is gone.Act 3 scene 1 is an main(prenominal) scene in this play when looking at Richardss character and shapes another side of Richard into your mind. This time it is the joker that he is playing. All the while though, when Richard puts on these fake moods and behaviors he always has on thing on his mind, and that is self-gain. Shakespeare seems to make him out as a greedy character as we see later on when he is finally crowned. In this scene he talks with the young princes and is where he is joking with them. He has been made Lord protector of them and is a good example of irony as he is the one responsible for their death.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
The Medieval Church Essay Example for Free
The chivalrous Church EssayLingberg and Duffy have a different savour on The Medieval Church in the middle Ages. Unfortunately though, the church service building is often regarded as the capital of putrescence, evil, and worldliness. An overview of the crisis have-to doe with with farming, short get on with and the Black Death. I thought Lindberg was more than persuasive than Duffy because of how he thought about farming, famine and the Black Death. As the Medieval church did offer many opportunities for ordinary concourse, makes us hypothesise they did non really cared about religion at all. The King needed the medieval church for political reasons, he did think about religion too. The medieval church offered salvation, for people to confess their sins to the priest. In medieval time people needed to go to heaven the only stylus was through the church. People were not allowed to think differently to what church had taught them, People were told that God had willigh t-emitting diode it they needed religion and explanations to survive.The Church was really important in Medieval times than it is now. In those days people needed Church and religion to get their way through life. The Church controlled everyone even the King. It was important to people because it provided education for ordinary people, the priests gave advice, care and leisure in addition to religion. People needed priests to marry, baptize and bury them, without the church there would be no priests to do that. This shows that the Church was important to people in medieval ages. As we know not many people believe in heaven and hell now, but almost everyone believed in them in medieval ages. Everyone cute to go to heaven when they died. They followed the churchs rules because it was the only way they had to confess to their sins to the priest, for forgiveness from God. The church was more important to the king. He needed it to do coronations because they were religious ceremonies.Re cognition by the church was important for Kings in the Middle Ages their reputation counted on it. People who were banned from the church and the kings were known as social outcasts. Duffy argues that the churches were at once tied into politics and laws of the land, there was very little distinction between what was holy and what was not. Much of the church was constructed of people who were wealthy and in positions of power this was an avenue toexercise that power was a bit more. They were long in the church and were a major part of that mindset that ones work tolerate get them into heaven. Much of the reform brought about by Martin Luther challenged the notion of purgatory, and therefore the significance of indulgences the way the church was misusing them. As many things define the distinct characteristics of history, the Christian church has made a remarkable milestone especially during the Middle Ages.Christianitys emergence as an official religion influenced not only the c hurch, it enabled people to look beyond the obsession of power and worldly pleasures, but to a final and ultimate reward for a life well spent. Everybody put their faith in the hope and love of the Christian God. It gave the people goals and led them to the right path, yet why is it looked down upon so harshly? Maybe it was because of the wealth it exemplified, or the declivity of morality in the popes. A contemporary account states The money was indeed the thing that killed the Jews. If they had been poor and if the feudalistic lords had not been in debt to them, they would not have been burnt (Marcus 1973 47). One can heedlessly conclude that the Medieval church was corrupt and unholy, but that would not justify its existence. Accordingly, the church was just trying to adjust itself to an age of chaos and uncertainty.Lindberg argued that along with the monetary benefits indulgence held for the church, there was a psychological component which kept the unwavering in a state of f ear of purgatory or even worse hell. This was one of the major abuses and signs of corruption in the Medieval Church. The Reformation more often emphasizes its social dimension, going beyond the doctrinal issues that separate Europeans. Because religion helped shape every aspect of European life, the practices of the new churches caused major changes. Duffys argues that the English Reformation was inescapable nor that it was the sole means by which the cause of human freedom could progress. Sacramental ceremonies from baptism to last rites had long label key moments in the lives, families and communities.By abolishing or changing the sacraments, the Medieval Church challenged the social meaning of these rituals. This tatterdemalion older understandings about sexuality and personal holiness and led to intensified debate about the mapping of women in society resistance. Poor relief and charity meant something different when they no longer served as affluent peoples way to perfor m penance. The idea that the medieval church wasimmoral. Maybe putting together one g-force years of the history of the church with a disregard to any historical development may conciliate the medieval church as a corrupt institution, but still it is not necessary to go as far as to say that the church was corrupt.It is also worth noting that not all generation who were interested in the reformation joined Luther in his famous feature, the Reformation. With this in mind, Luther and other reformers are normally credited with bringing the church back to the New Testament ideal, which is not necessarily the case. The Reformation in particular seems all the more worthy of when we realize that it may not have been merely an necessary reaction to a corrupt Church but instead maybe a spontaneous movement, coinciding or nearly so with similar movements that reformed politics and economics in equally idea ways.Works CitedLindberg, Carter. The European Reformations. Malden, MA Wiley Blackw ell, 2010. Print.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Alcoholic beverage Essay Example for Free
Alcoholic beverage EssayWhen the word intoxi hindquarterst is brought up, what do you think about? What comes to my mind is parties, and what people think they have to drink to have fun. Did you contend that over 5,000 people under the age of 21 die each year from alcohol-related car crashes, suicides, homicides, alcohol poisoning, and other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning? Alcohol can be a very dangerous join if not treated correctly and drank responsibly. Alcohol is a form of a drug but opposed the other drug, marijuana, heroine, because this is socially accepted and is legal for anyone over the age of 21. It can have many right(a) and bad affects to the body depending on whether youre responsible or not. one and only(a) way alcohol can be dangerous for the body is because it effects the fountainhead and its functions. Long-term imbibing can leave perm damage, causing the brain to shrink and leading to several deficiencies in the fibers that carry informa tion between brain cells. Many alcoholics develop a condition called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is caused by a deficiency of B vitamin.This deficiency occurs because alcohol interferes with the way the body absorbs B vitamins. People with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome experience mental confusion and lack of coordination, and they may alike have memory and learning problems. The body responds to the continual introduction of alcohol by coming to avow on it. This dependence causes long-term, debilitating changes in brain chemistry. The brain accommodates for the regular presence of alcohol by altering neurotransmitter production.But when the person stops or dramatically reduces his or her drinking, within 24 to 72 hours the brain goes into what is known as withdrawal as it tries to readjust its chemistry. Symptoms of withdrawal include disorientation, hallucinations, nausea, sweating and seizures. One of the bad things that can happen from alcohol is how it can affect family r elationships. Married couples and partners also take on spontaneous roles when living with an alcoholic. Many non-alcoholics go into denial about their spouses addiction, or become afraid to demo the alcoholic in fear of what they could do or losing them.The partner may then develop a high tolerance to the alcoholics behaviors. The partner will begin to feel depressed, confused, or maybe even guilty. When either partners or spouses are alcoholics, they often are in denial of their problem and neither believes they are dependent of the drug. Adults and children often dont see themselves in many of these discussed roles, which is why its extremely important for families to be a part of the alcoholics recovery process and to be very confirmatory when they try to get help.Alcohol can affect your life in some good or bad ways depending on how you drink, how often you drink, and how much you drink. It is better to drink responsibly and that means conditioned when you have had enough. This normally means drinking only 1 to 2 glasses a daytime with a meal, and to also have a healthy diet that goes along with that. Otherwise the health benefits of drinking alcohol are gone, and replaced with some horrible side-effects.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
ââ¬ÅOf mice and men is a novel that presents both the barbarity and the beauty of human natureââ¬Â Essay Example for Free
Of mice and men is a novel that presents both the barbarity and the dish of human record EssayI agree with this because Steinbeck shows barbarity in the characters. One example of this is when Lennie kills Curleys married woman by accident. I know this because it says he quickly becomes excited and holds on overly tight, f proficientening her Lennie panics and clamps his strong give over her mouth to silence her This is effective because Lennie doesnt realise that hes killed Curleys wife by stroking her hair but it shows that his actions were cruel and his chances of his American dream has been ruined. The words holds on too tight shows that Lennie had got over excited while touching/stroking one of his favourite things and he doesnt realise that hes held on tight and cant restrain himself from letting go of her hair.The word panics shows that Lennie didnt know what to do as soon as he heard her shrieking so he couldnt help but keep holding on to her. We can signalise that Lennie doesnt choose to be barbaric towards people but due to his simple mind he just cant help it. Another bureau we know Lennie is barbaric is because of his animalistic side, Steinbeck uses the deaths of the subatomic animals to show that despite loving to stroke nice things, he ends up killing them.Steinbeck also shows the beauty of human nature in the Novel. Examples of this is when Lennie constantly gets compared to animals with his actions. I know this because it says He walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, centering a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely. This is effective because Lennie is universe compared to an animal, a bear. A massive, sometimes violent creature. The word hung loosely shows that he was simple minded in everything he did so he didnt really hypothesize about the things he did. Another word the way a bear drags his paws shows that he was compared to a bear because of his strength and movement. Another quot e would be His massive companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the surface of the green pool drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse. The small man stepped nervously beside him Lennie being compared to an animal but this time, a horse who has to be kept from drinking too much water. It at least shows that he has some responsibility to control the native world.Another way Steinbeck shows barbarity is with the character Crooks. He gives Crooks character a hatred towards the men in the ranch. I know this because it says Crooks said sharply, You got no right to come in my room. This heres my room. Nobody got any right in here but me This is effective because it shows that Crooks didnt like the other men because of the way they tempered him so he has to be barbaric to them. The word sharply shows that Crooks actually meant what he said although Lennie was being nice, it could also demonstrate that he wanted to take out his anger to Len nie because he realised Lennie wouldnt understand what Crooks was actually saying to him. The word nobody got any right in here shows that he wanted treat them the exact same way they treated him in the ranch. Crooks is barbaric because he was treated that way so he might aswell treat the others the way theyve been treating him. In conclusion I think Of mice and men does present the barbarity and beauty of human nature because the characters always had two sides to them whether they were happy or not so it did make the novel very interesting to read.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Solving the Byod Problem for the Enterprise Essay Example for Free
Solving the Byod Problem for the Enterprise Essay ledger entry Enterprise com shake offing, as we know it, is facing a dimensional shift with the widespread diffusion of the BYOD (Bring Your profess Device) phenomenon. BYOD is the latest trend hitting dutyes where employees argon bringing their own personal mobile thingamabobs. Some of these devices take on smartphones and tablets which be brought into their place of work, and utilisationd on the integrated web for purposes such as accessing files, email servers, and databases. everyplace the past few years, employees in many institutions are bringing their own personal devices to the work surroundings to handle avocation need. With employees using their own devices, CIOs and IT de distinguishments across the nation are frantically trying to nurse up with their employees by ensuring their ne cardinalrks are safe and secure. There is no doubting mobile devices moderate victorious over a big part of our lives. The se devices travel with us wherever we go while unendingly being within a short reach away. People are beginning to realize the service program of getting work done from their own mobile devices.With this trend efforts are in need of a constitution for employees bringing their own devices to work. Although a relaxed BYOD form _or_ system of government tooshie offer an physical composition many benefits, it tends to be a double edged sword. A lax insurance policy leaves sensitive data vulnerable an excessively strict one stifles employees trust relationship with their employer. A balance moldiness be struck surrounded by offering employees a pleasant and enjoyable work environment and maintaining the credential of enterprise data. As the expectations of workspace force evolve, nerve leaders must find ways to adapt and overcome the challenges that arise when corporate finish has a conflict with social standards and consumer trends. Management must consider the potential d etriment to the workforce team spirit and how this could ultimately result in productivity loss.This is evident in the current 90% of employers who urinate elect to allow personal devices at work with little or no precautions (Miller, Voas, and Hurlburt, 2012). Most workers consider themselves, not the bon ton, to be responsible for the personal devices they use for work purposes. This all begs the question, how should an organization go about implementing a BYOD policy? Which policy stack best suit a particular type of business? Should organization leaders place priority on protecting its data as ensnares, or must they protect the health of their workers? If the latter is chosen, what compromises must employees be expected to educate to underwrite a necessary, minimal level of security is in place?These are all the major questions IT departments are seeking answers for when providing a BYOD environment. This research news report get out provide a working outline with the c orrect steps needed for the development motion for a BYOD work environment. The paper impart touch upon bring up subjects addressing the careful decisions that must be do in order to set up the prim policies. An organizations main goal is make certain your business has both a safe and secure network while storage areaing the employees satisfied.II. profound Issues. The winder issues for the executing of BYOD involve five main areas. The main areas are people, protrudening, have it awayment of engineering science, assessment and execution. The offset printing main area, people, involves how charge must communicate with the enterprises employees, provide leadership and proper governance. The second base area, planning, management must provide a plan to implement BYOD into the enterprise that aligns with the business, communicates the IT strategy to the business and provides audio quality control. The third area, management of technology, IT management should provide a f lexible and standard BYOD policy for employees. The quaternary area, assessment, management should provide a way to measure risk, eliminate risk and provide a qualified audit of the BYOD policy. Lastly, execution of the BYOD policy should provide an implementation that coincides with the needs of the other key issues.III.Models and exemplars. Models and theoretical accounts provide the king to analyze, a structured set of essential components of an object for which clear expressions is necessary and perhaps even obligatory for creating, operate, and changing the object (Zachman, 2008). The object is the enterprise and the ability to implement any new business policy requires structure from models and models. The models and frameworks that relate to providing structure in implementing BYOD are the Zachman Framework, Rogers distribution of commute Theory, hazard IT framework and Val IT Framework. The Zachman Framework is the foundation for architecture of any kind and ente rprises that are growing in complexness stack be represented with the Zachman Framework. With bring your own device the enterprise architecture of an organization bequeath need to counterchange to fit with the architecture change that BYOD brings. The two newspaper columns from the Zachman Framework that BYOD bequeath affect is the Where and Who columns.The Where column involves the network and how the corpse of an enterprise allow change in regard to BYOD. The technology depart need to be provided by or to employees that will change the architecture of an enterprise. The system will be with employees everywhere which means the business will be with employees everywhere they go. Leaving the business in a more vulnerable show that may create the loss of important data, which will increase the need for employees to be more responsible. The Who column needs to interact with the Where column that provides a distributed system that will requireResponsibility from the organizatio ns employees. The business type of the employees device will need to have specifications, be defined and represented. The get up perspective will need to define for the devices role for both the device and employee. The architect perspective will need to define the potential locations for the system and where it can reach. With a intelligibly defined system role for the devices themselves the business management perspective should focus on how the devices are defined for the employees. To implement BYOD the enterprise will need to focus on those columns of the Zachman Framework. While the Zachman Framework provides the structure organizations will need the Rogers Diffusion of asylum Theory provides aspects of innovation that will help mold business policies that should increase the ability of BYOD to be implemented. Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory provides four theory cistrons.The four theory elements are the innovation, communication, time and social system. The innova tion does not need to be new in terms of being recently developed, it only needs to be new to the person or organization that is adopting and implementing it (Lundblad, 2003). The theory continues that in that respect are five move to the innovation that increase rate of implementation as each of these marks increase. The five typicals of the innovation are intercourse advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability (Rogers, 1995) (Lundblad, 2003). Relative advantage is a perceived improvement over the current status.To implement BYOD their needs to be a perceived improvement according to the employees view. jutning the implementation of BYOD will help make sure the improvement is seen and the employees will accept the innovation. The characteristic, Compatibility measures how well the innovation aligns with organization. Implementing the system in line with the organization with good understanding of the business will increase the compatibility and make the implementation possible. The next characteristic is complexity which is the measure of ease of use. Knowing the end users of the implementation and what they want in a BYOD implementation will help them have a tyrannical user experience and increase the rate of adoption.Another characteristic is trialability. It is the measure of testing and more testing makes adoption faster. Providing good quality control when testing will make sure that the implementation will be in line with the implementation planning. The last characteristic is observability and it is the measure of visibility others have of the innovation and if more visible the faster the adoption. Providing end users with a positive visible experience will make employees more willing to go along with the innovation. The second element of Rogers diffusion of innovation theory is communication, or the do work by which people develop and share data with each other to achieve common understanding (Rogers, 1995) (Lundbla d, 2003). The need for IT managers to speak the businesss verbiage is very important. So an emphasis will need to be on communication for the IT department to batten all needs of the business are being met.Realizing value from business change requires rough-and-ready communication (IT Governance Institute, 2008). Time and social system are the last two theory elements. Time involves the contrasting adoption rates of innovation and social system involves members in group or organization with a common goal. Opinion leaders, change agents, and champions are the people within a social system who have the ability to influence the diffusion of innovation within a social system (Rogers, 1995) (Lundblad, 2003).Winning over the most influential employees of the business will help influence other employees and ensure the business wants the implementation of BYOD to succeed. The last two frameworks needed to be interpreted into account when implement BYOD is assay IT framework and Val IT Framework. The happen IT framework needs to be taken into account when implementing BYOD or any other system. There are six Risk IT principles that will help effectively assess risk. The Risk IT principles are connect to business objectives, align IT risk management with ERM, balance cost/benefit of IT risk, Promote fair and open communication, make tone at the top and accountability and function as part of daily activities.(ISACA, 2009) Effective enterprise governance of IT risk should have the potential amount of risk the enterprise is ready to take clearly defined with business objectives (ISACA, 2009). Effective enterprise governance of IT risk always connects to business objectives (ISACA, 2009). Controls should also be implemented to address risk. Controls are implemented to address a risk and based on a cost-benefit analysis. In other words, controls are not implemented for the sake of implementing controls (ISACA, 2009). IT risk should always be taken into account. Risk ma nagement practices are appropriately prioritized and embedded in enterprise decisionmaking process (ISACA, 2009).Val IT is another framework that should be assessed when implementing BYOD to ensure the presentation of value with the implementation. Val IT is used with CobIT, Val IT both complements CobIT and is supported by it (IT Governance Institute, 2008). CobIT processes manage all IT- related to activities within the enterprise (ISACA, 2009). Val IT and CobIT provide business and IT decision makers with a comprehensive framework for the creation of value from the speech of high-quality IT-based services (IT Governance Institute, 2008). Four questions can be asked to assess the enterprise and ensure value.(IT Governance Institute, 2008). All the frameworks of Risk IT, Val IT and CobIT can interconnect and provide an efficient management of IT.(ISACA, 2009)With both Val IT and CobIT, Risk IT can help enhance risk management and should be applied to an enterprise that is implemen ting a BYOD policy. IV. Plan of ActionPLANNING Planning should be considered a crucial part when creating a BYOD policy. Depending on how a policy is created will determine the success it has going forward. A lackadaisical approach during the development can cost a company immediate complications (Pendleton, 2012). The planning stage is where management will cover the concerns and questions related to creating a standard policy for the organization to administer. It is imperative the planning stage not be fetching lightly. Planning should never be rushed or thrown together in an ad-hoc like manner. oversight shown during planning can have devastating effects for the companys future (McKendrick, 2012).PEOPLE maturation a successful policy should promote an open collaboration between both the employees and the organization (AbsoluteSoftware 2012). grave details to include are the specifics for the guidelines set for users on the network. These areas of policy can become very wooly -minded for both organizations and their staff to deal with (Kaneshige, 2012). It is vital to outline details for what usages are allowed on the network, a users classification on the network, the user restrictions for specific classifications, and the disciplinary actions for abusing the use.Personal ownership must be directly associated to the users on the network. Violations to the end-user agreement develop for network usage must be outlined with explanations that are clear and concise. Management must set a good representative by following the regulations put into place just as any employees are expected to do. Realizing value from business change requires effective communication- a critical requirement difficult to achieve without widespread acceptance of a consistent set of terminology (IT Governance Institute, 2008).MANAGING TECHNOLOGYWhen initiating a policy into the business structure there are key subject matters to be addressed. It is important to designate the governanc e for the plan being implemented. So there will be an enterprise wide discipline for the policy. Each device that is allowed to have access to the network becomes a problem waiting to happen if lost or worse, stolen with malicious intent. There are key strategies to keep in mind when preparing a solution for defending against possible vulnerabilities on mobile devices. The components offering the most reliable solutions are focusing on access control and identity management (Chickowski, 2012). The capability to have both the control and visibility on events on the companys network is key for management. Lately, there has been various mobile security providers stating the solution is to control the data, rather than the device itself (Corbin, 2012). Personal owners are becalm strongly encouraged in taking preventive actions to securing their device. Nevertheless, IT departments can only do so a good deal software-wise when taking security precautions handling devices on the network .In the case of IT being the direct barrier of prevention, the use of devices and software the directed focus is more breeding-centric (Corbin, 2012). IT staff must direct attention towards securing data itself by blending the right amount of features to check authorizations and authentications. This layered approach centered at the information will provide more control over security wherever it should move or stop. The protection of corporate data is of utmost importance for a business. Any data obtained through lost or stolen devices would be a nightmare for an organization but, having data fall into the wrong hands could compromise a companys integrity to other competitors can be disastrous. Therefore, it is crucial that preventive measures are put in place to ensure the integrity of an organization and its data. A beneficial solution to security is to include proper hardware and software that facilitates automatic provisioning that can be administered by the IT department. The Identity Services Engine (IES) by lake herring is one great example to the controllability needed for security.This software offers an efficient way for enterprises to manage network connections through an identity and access control policy platform. With access to vital information in real-time, enterprises can make proactive governance decisions about access (Cisco, 2012). This is the type of authority organizations need to ensure a safer network for users while securing valuable data. In connection with the security policies established there are level-headed issues bound to arise from the control organizations place over data being transferred and stored on employee devices. This topic of rights can leave both sides feeling uneasy. Nonetheless, businesses must protect their data that accessed by users on the network.The development process of the BYOD policies is where organizations will want to include details pertaining to ownership. Such discussion must include the liabilit y for the information being used, how and when should a device-wipe be used, and exit strategies taken for employees leaving the business (Hassell, 2012). A great example of this problem would be defining the jurisdiction concerning who has authority and rights of the data located on an employees device if he or she should be terminated or leave the company. These are all big issues that must be addressed depending on the vulnerability of your corporate data otherwise, this going unstated that lead to get at litigation for management.EXECUTION/ASSESSMENTFinally, once the components of execution and governance have been covered it is necessary for the organization to assess its current transition. It is here management must audit the new BYOD strategy to determine their think on Investment (ROI). When reviewing the results of a recently implemented strategy there are two sets of key questions to measure the success of its use. The governance-related questions based from a Val IT ap proach include ar we doing the right things? (The strategic question) and Are we getting the benefits desired? (The value question). The last set of questions are COBIT focused taking on an IT view. These two are Are we doing them the right way? (The architecture question) and Are we getting them done well? (The delivery question) (IT Governance Institute, 2012). The combination of both the Val IT and COBIT frameworks create a synergistic relationship that will ensure a highquality IT-based service is creating value across the enterprise.V.Critical Success FactorsThe critical success factors for successful management of the BYOD policy are to plan, manage, assess, execute and communicate. Planning must be done first using Rogers Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Zachman Framework as a basis to planning to ensure the BYOD policy is going to be accepted by the enterprises employees and align with the business. Communication needs to be an important part of planning to understand the business objectives. Planning must include how BYOD will be managed, executed, communicated and assessed. The management of the technology needs to ensure data safety using authentication and governance. The BYOD policy needs to be assessed sooner execution. The risk that a large IT-enabled project will fail for lack of business change should be assessed by top management at the very conception of the project and by project management at key phases over the life of the project (Gibson, 2004).Other frameworks to assess the BYOD policy are Risk IT, Val IT and CobIT. These are needed to understand the business risk associated with the BYOD policy, ensure value and assess the IT processes involved in the IT strategy switch. To execute, management needs to implement the policy with good quality control aligning it with the plan and technology management of the BYOD policy. Management needs to also communicate the governance and rules of the BYOD policy to ensure discipline. definition of consequences is also needed so employees understand the consequences of their actions using their own devices as a part of the enterprise. Lastly, the BYOD policy will need to be audited continuously to guarantee the safety and integrity of information while operating properly to attain the enterprises goals and objectives. decease CitedAala Santhosh Reddy. (June 2012). Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Making It Work For Your Organization. In Slideshare.com for Cognizant Research Center. Retrieved , from http//www.slideshare.net/cognizant/making-byod-work-for-your-organization 13450463. BYOD Policy Implementation Guide. London Absolute Software, 2012. PDF. Cisco Systems, Inc.. (2012). Cisco Identity Services Engine Software 1.1.1 (aka 1.1MR). In Cisco. Retrieved , from http//www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/vpndevc/ps5712/ps11637/ps11195/qa_ 67-658591.html. 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